Welcome to Acron Media

Do you want to express your work or product? Do you know how to tell a story?

Acron Media is a media company that turns your product and service into content with stories to trigger your desired reaction.

What Do We Do?

Acron Media provides digital media content and online marketing solutions. We are the media company that turns your product and service into content that tells stories to trigger the desired customer reaction.

About Us

Acron, a Greek philosopher who lived in the fifth century BC, is believed to be the first person in history to come up with the idea to kindle fires against plague. He did this in the streets of Athens during the great plague in 430 BC. His advice saved thousands, while ironically, the Black Death killed 75 million people only in Europe centuries later, as no one thought to use fire to purify the air.

Hence, Acron illuminated darkness with knowledge, representing the light as the human mind. Acron Media follows this philosophy, using knowledge to overcome obstacles and gaining success by combining experience gained through knowledge.

The central pillar of success in business stems from a good story and conveying this story.

Acron combines knowledge and extensive experience in journalism to bring your story to the audience, appearing like a lantern in the darkness.

Editorial and online content

Content writing: Creating specific content for your website, from blog posts to news articles, will help you reach your target audience better.

Copywriting: Prepare exclusive advertorials to promote your service or product, conveying the right message to potential clients.

SEO copywriting: Articles diligently composed for search engines will put your brand’s name infront of customers’ eyes when specific words are used for online searches.

Technical writing: Delivering the best information about a tech-related service or product to thoroughly convey information to your target audience.

White papers: White papers are essential in informing the target audience and the stakeholders in your industry about your product or service or your solution to a specific problem. White papers are a solid display of your company’s experience, knowledge, technical know-how and, most importantly, problem-solving abilities through comprehensive research and guidance.


Video interviews: Display your company’s faces and voices to establish a warm and strong customer interaction.

Explanation videos: Short news bulletin-type videos about any development, service, or topic, with great content to convey information to your target audience.

Promotional videos: Do you still need a YouTube opening video? Why don’t you fill that space with a nice promotional video that tells your story and promotes your services in minutes?

Short animation videos: Explanatory animation videos are the modern technical guides for your customers and are best suited for new tech or services.

Event videos: Including interviews, display your company’s skills in a more comprehensive and different perspective, boosting the potential for future collaborations by showcasing your experience.

Video shooting and editing: Basic video production services include taking raw footage and editing it according to the customer’s briefings.

Visualization: Infographics, charts, and maps are great tools for providing information stylishly and compactly. They are also great shortcuts for displaying data and specific information.



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